Why You Are Not Making Progress Despite Being Busy

This mental trap hindered my progress for years

Krunal Dangar
2 min readDec 29, 2021

The biggest takeaway from Atomic Habits by James Clear for me has been the distinction between Action and Motion.

My inability to differentiate between these two held back my progress for years. I was always that busy person working on the coolest projects but never had any success to show for them.

I had even co-founded a promising virtual reality startup. A publication interviewed me and my co-founder. I even posed with a smug smile on my face. A tech guy offered early-stage investment.

And since success was imminent, my naive self even test drove a Tesla.

Despite all of that, the startup did not live up to its potential.

I did not live up to my potential.

I know now that was because I was almost always…in motion.

Life in Motion

When in motion, you are always learning, strategising, getting organised, or planning.

You are preparing.

Motion is necessary but in itself, it does not produce any results.

A lot of our perfectionist behaviour could put us in motion, an ever-busy place of preparation that takes us nowhere.

It can, however, give us the illusion of progress and keep us ‘busy’.

Motion feels comfortable as it does not require us to take any real risks or make ourselves vulnerable to any judgement.

Preparation then easily becomes procrastination.

Life in Action

Action is the behaviour that produces results that matter.

It requires us to put ourselves and our work out there while risking judgement and facing outcomes that may be outside of our control.

When in Action, you are no longer preparing, you are practising.

Motion vs Action. Author’s Own Image

Action takes us into the unknown.

It doesn’t guarantee success, but it always changes us for good.

It brings progress.


“Never mistake activity for achievement.” — John Wooden

Motion feels comfortable here and now but takes us nowhere. It should never be confused for or prioritised over action.

Action feels uncomfortable here and now but guarantees growth and progress.

There is an old alchemic saying, “ in sterquiliniis invenitur” or ‘in filth, it will be found’. What we desire the most in our lives is often found in places we least want to explore.

If you ever feel like you aren’t making progress, ask yourself — Are you busy in motion or in action?

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